John 13:35 "What Are You Known For?" (Love One Another - Week 1)

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (ESV)
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (NIV)
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (NLT)
Dive Deeper:
Are you known by your love? Is being known by love even what you’re after? Rather, maybe you are after being known as a successful business owner, an early retirer, an influencer, a homesteader, or your diet and exercise. Truthfully, what we are known for usually comes down to what we ourselves value most…what we love most.
I ran a Google search for “What do people want to be remembered for?” and not surprisingly, some incredibly virtuous things came up: a person of conviction, shared memories, passed on life lessons, hard work, thoughtfulness, kindness, authenticity, a role model. The list went on. At first glance, these seem to be the big hitters of life, the home runs. But before I looked too far, I remembered that Paul had written a list similar to those of the Corinthian church.
At the beginning of chapter thirteen, he lists some incredibly virtuous and holy things. Being able to speak in all the languages of the earth and even angels, being able to prophesy, understand the plans of God, having great wisdom, having faith that could move mountains, giving everything to the poor, or even dying for others. Wow. What a list. These are the things that we would chalk up as the holiest of holies. But, as it turns out, at the end of his beautiful and profound list, Paul has a “but.” He says, “If I did all of these things but didn’t love others, I would gain and be nothing.”
If we did everything, if we followed the commands of God to a tee but didn’t love, we actually wouldn’t be following the commands of God at all. At least not in the way He intends. The Lord Himself tells us that the entire law (all 613 laws) is fulfilled in just two commands. Love God and love others.
Why is it then that when we are asked the question, “How is your relationship with God?” or “How are you doing spiritually?” our response is usually summed up by how much time we’ve spent reading our bible this week and how much quiet time we’ve devoted to prayer? I don’t remember anywhere in scripture that tells us the mark of a true Christian is determined by their bible reading time card… In fact, I recall Jesus rebuking the very Pharisees who thought their entire duty was summed up by knowing the scriptures and praying extravagantly.
Your bible plan and your half-hour morning prayer routine, although good and virtuous, if left at that, is worth nothing. The mark of a disciple is summed up in one word. Love. So next time you are asked about your spiritual health or relationship with God. Your gauge should always be how much you love Him and how much you are loving others by your love for Him. We love because He first loved us.
Read the greatest love letter ever written (the Bible) as much as you can, talk to your creator non-stop, and pursue a holy life, but do it for and from love. Let all that you do be done in love. Be known for your love.
Written by Blake Stanley