Who bring you each week's devo

Blake Stanley
is the founder and a designer at Bible Memory Project. He is passionate about the Gospel, his family, and his community. Some of Blake's favorite things to do are playing pickle ball, getting early morning coffee with friends, and going on walks with his wife Bethany, son Jeffrey, and dog Goose.
Blake's favorite part about the Bible Memory Project is that it brought a dead discipline to life.

Keaton Hewitt
is the Director of Marketing and Product Innovation at Proclamation Coalition in Ames, IA. He and his wife Grace are new parents raising their one-year-old, Luella, with another on the way! He enjoys studying the word, fine art, and sitting by the pool with his family.
Keaton, alongside Blake, designs the icons paired with each devotional. As such, his favorite part about the project is the verse icons as they are a visual reference point to memorize God's Word!

Ben Hesch
is originally from Wisconsin, he and his high school sweetheart, Kalista, did mission work in Haiti before building their family in San Antonio in 2020. Ben now serves as the College Director of Alamo Community Church. There he passionately works to walk with young adults into a life of discipleship to Jesus.
In his free time, Ben loves running, visiting San Antonio’s best coffee shops, and taking photos. He’s always learning whether it’s through a podcast or a book and above all: he enjoys spending days with his wife.
Ben’s favorite part of The Bible Memory Project is the heart intention and beautiful simplicity.

Nick Harsh
is a City Director at Embassy Church, in Bloomington, Indiana. In addition to publishing regularly at nickharsh.com, he has also written for The Gospel Coalition, For the Church, and Relevant Magazine. He enjoys good coffee, long walks (with his wife Rachel and son Calvin), and rock climbing.
His favorite part of the Bible Memory Project is that it provides a very practical way to consistently memorize the Bible!

Scott Kedersha
is the Marriage Pastor at Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, TX. Scott trusted in Christ as a 24-year-old after hitting rock bottom just before he graduated from Wake Forest University. He's married to Kristen and together they're raising 4 young men. Scott is the author of the books Ready or Knot? and The Ready or Knot Prayer Guide, writes at Scottkedersha.com, and is the co-host of an amazing marriage podcast "More Than Roommates." The Kedershas love spending time together as a family of six, especially if at a concert or college football or basketball games.
His favorite part of the Bible Memory Project is how it gets him to memorize God's Word through the wristbands and creativity of the graphics/design.

Garrett Belzer
Garrett's life is dedicated to telling the story of Jesus and helping others fall in love with Him. Garrett formerly was a resident at the college ministry Salt Company, and is now living in Waco, Texas with his wife, Morgan. Some of his favorite things include his wife, going to movies, and playing sports with friends.
Garrett loves the accountability of the Bible Memory Project––when someone sees his wristbands they always ask what it is and it provides a great opportunity to share the verse!
The purpose of Bible Memory Project is to give you resources to help them know and love God, specifically in the area of memorizing scripture. The devotionals written by the team at BMP are provided to be an additional tool for reflection and diving deeper into the weekly verses. We strive to write our devos in a way that is biblically accurate and directed by conviction.