Ephesians 6:15 "Gospel of Peace" (Full Armor of God - Week 2)

Ephesians 6:15 "Gospel of Peace" (Full Armor of God - Week 2)

and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. (ESV)

and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. (NIV)

For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. (NLT)

Dive Deeper:

The apostle Paul calls us to stand firm, which requires feet that are planted in peace–unwavering, steadfast, gentle, and strong. This peace is found in the Gospel–the Good News of Christ.

During this time in history, enemies would often lay out sharp sticks, nails, and other objects to slow down an approaching army in an attempt to cripple soldiers before the battle even began. Therefore, military shoes would come equipped with brass greaves–a shield for the legs and feet–which kept one protected from the traps of their enemy. In the life of faith, the Gospel is our brass greaves. It protects us from the traps that lie in wait and gives us steadfast peace to walk forward with endurance, even in suffering.

Feet and the Gospel

I love what Isaiah 52 says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News, who publish peace, who bring good news of salvation…” When we walk prepared and equipped to preach the Good News and distribute peace, we are protected from the lies and traps in our path; our steps remain steadfast and strong. Since we know we have a home in heaven waiting on the other side of this world and we are in a temporary dwelling, no trial or trap can deter us from our mission. When our mind is set on salvation, even in persecution, our feet walk in proclamation, which gives us purpose and peace.

Paul calls us to put on “readiness” given by the peace of the Gospel. We are called to be prepared. This peace is something that our enemy does not have in his armor chest. The rulers and principalities that we are at war against know what comes at the end of all things, and so do we. We know in the end, those who are on the side of Christ are victorious, and those who oppose are cast into the lake of fire. Therefore, our peace comes from a confident hope in what has been and what is to come: the salvation in Christ and the ultimate victory we have in Him. We no longer have to walk timidly or wavering, but ready and strong. The battle we are fighting is not a losing battle but one with a sure and total victory. Victory is ours because we are on the side of the Victorious King.

We are reminded in verse 12 that “we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” We can walk in peace in this world because our battle is not of this world. Our true enemy is not an opposing political party, pagan, sinner, government, or anyone in this world. So don’t take up swords with them, but walk towards them in readiness, proclaiming the Gospel of peace in all circumstances, revealing again and again that they are not our enemy, and showing them who is–the mighty powers of the dark world.

Don’t distract yourself by fighting the wrong enemy, or you will miss the mission entirely. The mission to honor Christ is prepared with a Gospel defense, proclaiming our hope with gentleness and peace (1 Peter 3:15). The victory is already won in Christ. Our hope is confident in Him, so we can walk every step of the way with the peace and confidence of the Gospel, being unstained from this world, preaching the Gospel to those who are far off, and bringing them near.

Written by Blake Stanley


Take a page of paper in a journal or notebook and divide it into three sections, top to bottom. In the top section, spend time reflecting on what the Gospel has freed you from specifically. Think of ways that God’s grace and the free gift of forgiveness have intersected where you are and where you’ve been. In the second section, write about how you came to know the Lord. Thank God for preparing and sending the people that guided you toward Him. (maybe even text those people, thanking them) In the last section, write one name of someone you know who is far from God and close to you. Pray over what you’ve written on this page and ask God to work in the life of this person through you, through others, and through His grace.


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