Proverbs 16:24 "Gentleness Health Facts" (Anger & Gentleness - Week 4)

Proverbs 16:24 "Gentleness Health Facts" (Anger & Gentleness - Week 4)

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. (ESV) 

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (NIV)

Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. (NLT) 


Dive Deeper:

Gentleness Health Facts

Honey has been linked to various health benefits, including enhancing heart health and promoting wound healing. Just like honey, gentleness can help heal our hearts and deep wounds. The word is sweeter than honey and satisfies our hunger. 

We all know that gentleness is good for us. It restores us, heals us, and transforms us. But does it taste good to us? This is the question of today's devo. Would you rather be harsh? Do you walk away from conversations wishing you would have been more abrasive and gotten your point across, or are you content with a simple and gentle answer?

A couple of years ago, we got a new puppy, and as good new dog owners do, I took her on a walk downtown to get her acclimated to people. A few minutes into this walk, a man asked to pet our pup. As we all often do, I asked how he was doing, expecting a classic “Good, how are you?” But Instead, he began sharing with me how his daughter had just passed away, and he came into town to bury her. Brokenhearted, I was moved to pray for him. After praying, he asked me, “Do you really believe in that crap?” This question began a 45 min conversation about faith, mainly that of Atheism v. Christianity. As the conversation unfolded, he asked some challenging questions I had never before thought about and therefore didn’t have groundbreaking answers for. I remember speaking to him very gently as he began to get upset throughout the conversation, as he was walking through a hard time and looking for answers. Our conversation came to a close, and I walked away, pretty discouraged. After dwelling on it for a few days, I called a friend and shared my experience. He reminded me that correct answers and bold responses aren’t the only ways that point people to Jesus, but additionally, grace and gentleness do. 

This is not to say that we should not train ourselves diligently in the Word to know how to make a defense for the Gospel. We certainly need to. (1 Peter 3:15) But it is of vital importance to do so graciously and gently, have the humility to admit when we don’t have an answer, and point to the truth we do know about when we can. 

Gentleness met with humility, can be just as powerful a force for the Gospel as courage or boldness. Gracious words are like honey, sweet to the soul.

Ever since that conversation, whenever I think to do so, I pray for that man, and even though I may not have had all the answers, I pray that the gentle answers I did have, were gentle seeds planted that God has continued to water and grow.


Honey on your lips

When in doubt, speak gently. I believe the most significant way to speak gently is to speak the word of God. That is why I believe so deeply in this project that we can truly live out the call of scripture. To be equipped with a defense for the gospel and present it with gentleness and respect. 

Speaking the word of God can be one of the most significant ways to speak gently. Just as Proverbs 16:24 speaks of Gracious words being like honey, Psalm 119:103 speaks of God’s word being as sweet as honey. Just like gentleness, you probably know that the Word of God heals and is good for you, but does it taste good to you? The Word of God has the power to heal and transform you so that you can seek to see others healed as well! Know the word of God so that you may “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. and do it with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15) 

When you eat honey, you will have honey on your lips. In the same way, when you meditate, consume, and memorize God’s sweet and gentle word, you will overflow with its goodness speaking sweetly and gently to everyone around you. When you spend time with Jesus on purpose, you will begin to talk about him “on accident.” This is the natural overflow of a life of devotion.


Written by Blake Stanley


  • Madison Moreno on

    I liked this post a lot. It reminded me of how Jesus describes himself as gentle and how we can reflect him in how we speak to others regardless of it we have all the answers or not. We can always give our hope, joy, peace, and love when others may not understand, recognize, or even reciprocate.

  • Laura DiSimone on

    We are so blessed to have you remind us of the goodness the Lord God presses in in us by His Holy Spirit in our daily journey with Him.

    May the Lord bless your comings and going’s in Jesus name, amen 🙏🏻

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