Psalm 149:4 "Victorious in Humility" (Pride & Humility - Week 1)

Psalm 149:4 "Victorious in Humility" (Pride & Humility - Week 1)

For the LORD takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with salvation. (ESV)

For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. (NIV)

For the LORD delights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. (NLT)


Today marks the first day of our new 7-month series on “Vices and Virtues,” If you want to know more about why we picked this series, CLICK HERE


We begin this series today with our first theme of Pride & Humility. We believe that memorizing these verses will not only help you combat vices and cultivate virtues but will also help you to internalize the truth and wisdom found in the Bible. By memorizing or meditating on these verses, you will be better equipped to face the challenges of life with a biblical perspective and a Christ-like attitude. 


As seasons change, so does our need for surrender. Whether you’re graduating College or High-School, starting a new job, welcoming your kids home for the summer, or purchasing a new home, it’s easy to let pride and boasting creep into our lives. Whatever new season you're entering, we want to remind you to surrender it to Christ and fight for humility.


Dive Deeper: 

Victorious in Humility

I am captivated by the word “victory” in Psalm 149:4. I’ve found as we journey through life, we encounter struggles, challenges, and opposition that tend to leave us feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. At times, we may even find ourselves at odds with others or caught in disunity that seems impossible to move on from. To combat this struggle, Paul gives us wisdom in his letter to the Romans. Romans 12:18. A verse you already have memorized if you’ve been with us for a while, implores us, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” 


What is the key to pursuing this peace? It is humility. Whether you are facing difficulties at work, disharmony within your family, or are worn down by hardship, our biblical response must be rooted in humility. It has the power to unite people, allowing us to find joy in one another’s presence, even those we disagree with. By being slow to speak and quick to listen, we can experience victory—not necessarily in winning every argument, but rather in our hearts, minds, and lives through the peace and hope of Christ. For those who are truly confident in their status, given by Christ, humility is the only path forward. 


We have victory in Christ over sin, death, and hell, therefore we don’t need to seek victory over others, either through harsh conversing or boastful remarks, but we can instead rest in the freedom we have in Christ, seeking to show honor to one another. When we lay down our pride and self-preservation, let go of our opinions, and humble ourselves, we can find unity with those we never thought possible, and unity is one of the greatest displays of Christ’s victory. 


Christ not only crowns the humble but also takes delight in all His people. 


The Psalmist reminds us of this truth. That our Heavenly Father finds pleasure in us, His beloved children. He sees our hearts, and He graciously bestows upon us the crown of victory in His unwavering love. A truth that Pastor John Piper famously puts another way; “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him!”


Victory, as defined in the Bible, extends far beyond worldly success or even the absence of challenges. It encompasses overcoming the world, finding unity amidst opposition, and experiencing peace in trials. This victory is not achieved through our own abilities but through our faith in Jesus, which will ultimately produce humility within us. He is our victory. He humbled himself in obedience to God, even resulting in a criminal’s death on the cross. (Phil. 2:8 NLT) 


We can certainly have humility if the Creator of the heavens and the earth did. 


Humility is found in surrender which leads to sacrifice, and true victory belongs to our Savior who freely gives us all things! It allows us to recognize our dependence on God, acknowledging that our own strength and wisdom are insufficient. We must ultimately find our sufficiency in Him. Through humble surrender in confessing, God’s power is perfected in our weakness. Therefore, be humble in all circumstances, and if you are to boast, boast only in your weakness that points to the grace and salvation found in Christ, for God humbles the proud and exalts the humble.


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