Psalm 34:18 (Gentleness - Week 1)

Psalm 34:18 (Gentleness - Week 1)

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.PSALM 34:18 (ESV)

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. PSALM 34:28 (NIV)

Read Full Passage HERE


Dive Deeper:

Just read those words again. Our Heavenly father loves His kids so much that he chose to suffer with us. He sent His Son to be broken for us, and to be crushed for our sins. Christ himself was not born into sin. Instead, He was born into a sinful world, but took on flesh that was in itself subject to brokenness, all while still being sinless. He took on the ability to feel the effects of sin, through trial, pain, and loss. Then He took our sins upon himself on the cross both emotionally, spiritually, and physically experiencing the brokenness of humanity like no one ever has. He subjected himself to brokenness even brokenness on a cross, so that we could experience healing FOREVER! Our hearts are broken from the sin in this world and the suffering around, BUT we have a savior who experienced brokenness like no one ever has and who knows the greatest depths of our pain, and is our true answer to our desperate need of healing. He is near to the brokenhearted, because he was broken, His is close to the crushed in spirit, because he was crushed for our iniquities.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.

We’ve tuned into the morning news,

but have we sat with our Savior in His new morning mercies?

We’ve read the breaking news,

but have we shared the Good News with our sister?

Our hearts are breaking for the hungry across the ocean,

but have we fed our hungry neighbor?

You don’t have to fight the world’s wars,

but you are called to live at peace with your brother.

You don’t have to worry about your future,

because you can rest in the Lord’s presence today.

Breaking News…

exploits the hurting

reveals the wounded

numbs our empathy

forgets humanity

and breaks our hearts.

BUT The Good News…

heals the broken

manipulates evil for God

mends the wounded

suffers with the afflicted

loves the hated

finds the lost

and is close to the hurting.

Our hearts are broken from the breaking news… but I know the healer, and He was broken too.

Suffering hearts in a suffering world can only be healed by a Savior who suffered.

Our God never minimizes our pain, but ALWAYS maximizes or joy.

He never tells us to stop feeling,

but always helps us to keep fighting.


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