January 2025 - April 2025 SERIES

The Gospel

An infinitely powerful God enters the world as a baby. A humble Nazarene (the place they said nothing good can come from) lives a perfect life that we could never live. The Giver of Life willingly submits to death at the hands of the people He created. A risen Savior conquers death by resurrecting on the third day. 

This is the Gospel. It’s the story of a God who saves sinful humanity who can never repay Him and doesn’t require it either. It’s the Good News that broken people can be made right with a perfect God by grace through faith. Those who are far from Him are to be brought close.

In our first Bible Memory Project series of 2025, we will break down the Good News of the Gospel into four main themes: the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. We will memorize verses on what Christ has done through His ministry and how we will respond in these areas. We hope that through it you will be drawn closer to Jesus and will have your joy of salvation restored, as Psalms talks about. Finally, we hope that it equips you with boldness and confidence to share the Gospel with those around you, using the very words of scripture to do so.

January 2025 - BMP #037


When the rest of the world moves on from Christmas, we believe this month is a time to continue to remember the birth of Christ. God sent His Son to earth to redeem it to Himself, and He does so humbly and gently. Jesus comes not as a tyrant to domineer us but in humility to welcome us into His peace. The most powerful being in the universe begins His redemptive work on the earth in the humblest, most vulnerable human state, a baby in a feeding trough and held in the arms of a virgin in Bethlehem. The King of the universe was born into the world to show us how we may be born again.

February 2025 - BMP #038


The life of Christ plays out in a similar fashion to His birth; it is marked with astounding humility and gentleness. In a world that values pride and distance from brokenness, and in a time when the religious elite wouldn’t associate with the lowest members of society, Jesus embodied a love that goes beyond these walls. He brought good news to the poor. He comforted the brokenhearted and opened prison doors. He alone has the words of eternal life and can heal those who are sick. But only those who know that they need the healing that He offers. He came so that we may have abundant lives.

March 2025 - BMP #039


Just as Christ took up His cross, every day we must take up our own. The entire life of Jesus leads to Calvary. Where He endured death, even death on a cross, and He did it for the same kind of people that nailed Him to the tree. In an act of sacrifice to end all sacrifices, Jesus confirms His identity that John the Baptist originally beheld Him as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” By dying in our place, Jesus’ death perfectly satisfied the justice of God toward humanity. We know real love because Jesus gave up His life for us. This is the greatest act of love, and it isn’t even the end of the story.

April 2025 - BMP #040


Jesus conquered the penalty of sin through His death, and He conquered the curse of sin through His resurrection. After proving His love in that while we were still sinners, He died for us, Jesus then proved His power and life by overcoming death itself. This month, we remember our hope in the Gospel: that we do not worship a Savior who stayed in the grave–our God is alive, our faith is not in vain, and there is hope for all who place their trust in Christ to be resurrected to new life just as He was. We cry out “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” since we know that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, also lives inside of us.